Sunday, 3 June 2012

News from the Mattyverse

Preamble - So I tend to write when I am in work and then re-read it back to see if I want to share it, and in work I can seemingly marshal my thoughts a little bit better. I also get topics come into my head when I am working to walk listening to music but I thought it was time for a break from a typical Matty rant, the types of rants that people more eloquent, articulate and more importantly funny embark on but there you go.  

(The important stuff you should read, really! No pressure but seriously life altering stuff) We are six months into 2012 and it is shaping up into being a very fine year, the kind of year where in the future if it were a wine it would be a vintage.  After the very shaky start which saw me end up in hospital and needing emergency surgery to have my gall bladder removed, it has just got better and better (even to moments of pure ecstasy more on that later.  If you have read previous posts then you will have already read how unwell I actually was and how it took the removal of my gall bladder and stepping back from life to see how poorly physically, emotionally and mentally I actually I was.

Through the course of 2012, through the support of loved ones and maybe through the removal of the aforementioned offending organ (although funny that I just typed girl in there before organ, no prizes for guessing the offending girl though!) I have got better and better, my anxieties have largely gone, the bounce and smile are back in meaningful ways along with self confidence and belief to stand up for myself and not keep the peace anymore in family matters which has lead to confrontation which I do hate.

I have done so much fun so far this year, highlights of which include going to Liverpool for the night with my girlfriend Sarah and her little one, spending time with my best friends and their little one, a civilized meal for my 31st (yep 31 and I still find it surprising that I got here but this is not the place for the dark days of my past) I had an awesome drunken unexpected night in Leamington (not calling it's full name), 
Slam Dunk in Leeds was a lot of fun as it involved too much booze and loud music, I have  been to Orlando and there were some proper moments of sheer joy such as going on the Hulk Ride and Harry Potter @ Universal Worlds of Adventure
along with seeing Coheed and Cambria and meeting the lovely Julie Brown. 

There is still so much to come this year; celebrating Sarah's birthday, Shell Island, Gaslight Anthem, Just So Festival and plans afoot for more awesomeness.  I am growing older, never up....and more comic book/graphic novel collection keeps growing  

So where does life go from here? Onward and upwards,  yes I still get low and I still don't know why although I do blame the man period for why it happens on a regular occasion (I think I may have used occasion on one too many occasions....did you see what I did there? I really do split my sides with my word play skills).

There are no earth shattering epiphanies held within this blog and no "the moral of the story is", I will leave the lessons to Thundercats as it worked for me and I am sure countless others of my generation.

Some people have fallen out of my life for a variety of reasons some of which I may be to blame for but that is the nature of friendships, but some are stronger and I feel there are people around I can count on when necessary and I want to see more of these people now life is settling down and I have my health back. 

I love my life, my little family and the friends I have who kick my ass when it's necessary. I have also met some lovely people in 2012 as well and am at almost peace with myself and the decisions I have made which I have lead to me writing this today.

Matty C

Love, Peace and Harmony.