Wednesday, 25 July 2012

"morally wrong" you say, "f**k you" I say

Another misinformed, badly written blog

I keep meaning to use these to talk about what’s been going on in my life but then realise who really wants to read that and also who is going to read a ranty blog about the state of things with no figures/stats/evidence to back it up.  I will leave that to the professional writers who need to make sure they have these to hand.

So today (Tuesday) the news broke that it’s “morally wrong” that people pay tradesmen cash-in-hand.  First off, where the FUCK does the government get off on deciding what is morally wrong when it comes to anything?! They bend over backwards to let the financial sector and big business fuck the tax payers over either by bailouts or agreeing ridiculous tax bills with companies like Vodafone who get to pay a fraction of the tax bill they should pay. Think of the amount of TAX PAYERS money used to prop up the financial sector back in 2008/09 when the crisis first hit us, was this our making? No. Did we agree to them using our money to bet on hedge funds and other ridiculous shit, for lack of a better word, like the Futures market. No. Who fucking suffers? Us. How do we suffer? With the lie that by cutting services, the public sector, benefits that this will somehow encourage growth.  I still remember DickFace, sorry Cameron, explaining that somehow the private sector would somehow create jobs for all the thousands of public sector workers who faced unemployment.  Don’t get me wrong there is a lot of waste and unnecessary posts and ridiculously high wages in the public sector but austerity cuts like these DO NOT encourage growth. Fact. 

And after their “promises” that the NHS would not be privatised, what are we seeing? They are allowing NHS trusts to go broke. Yes PFI may have been introduced by the Labour government but that is no excuse. This is not a defence of ridiculous NEW Labour policies. New Labour were also a bunch of self serving pricks in bed with corporations and the financial sector whilst eroding our civil liberties and Blair wants to come back into politics.  The man who takes money from JP Chase Morgan and Uzbekistan here you go if you need information on this wonderfully free country 

The Capitalist system does not work. We need a massive rethink about private ownership of companies and how they fit with each other. We need a rethink in diplomacy and how we treat each other.  We need to rethink how we treat this planet. I do not like using this word but the rape of Planet Earth has to end and real sustainable renewable energy needs to be the focus and not biofuels which place energy needs above the dietary needs of people look here for some information if needed.  Yes we need to rethink fossil fuels and quickly yet there is no pressure for Shell, BP and various others to actually do it, and neither is the pressure there for governments due to the massive payments that these companies have to be making.

I could go on more but this rant for now is over.