Friday, 20 January 2012

The WAR to End Wars?

The “War to end all Wars” ended over a lifetime ago,
Yet again war was found less than a life time later,
Millions died, millions slaughtered, lives destroyed,
But still we fight wars in the name of freedom,
A war fought all those years ago against a fascist regime
But all I see in the west is fascism on the rise
But the truth is too ugly a theme
Wars for oil, conquest, cultural hegemony of the globe
Blood of the innocent stains the ground across the world
And our governments lead us down dark roads
Into Police States and claim it’s for our safety.
And I wish for a brighter day.
A day when freedom means freedom of speech,
Freedom of thought, free from the shackles of being told
What to believe when all I see in the media is the propagation
Of lies, conceited deceit that they know best for all of us,
And it makes me question, makes me wonder
Whether the lives that were given was merely in vain
Merely a delay for a structure in to which we become trapped
Like laboratory mice all fighting for the same piece of cheese.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Gallbladder Out!!

This time last week I had been in a hospital bed for 2 hours after being told by the emergency doctor who arranged the appointment at the Walk-In Centre they would do what they could to keep me out of hospital.  Now I feel far better than I did last Sunday, and far better in my noodle.  Related? Maybe, the stress of not knowing when the gall bladder problems would strike was starting to drag me down, I hadn't realised how bad it had got until this. Anyway, I need to back up to June to put this into some kind of order.

In June I suffered my first pang of pain, I put this down to my efforts at the physio the day before, it eventually went and at this time I was off work.  The bursts would come and go and I told no-one about them as I didn't think much of them as they didn't seem important.  Then I ended up in A&E one morning and was preliminary diagnosed with gallstones, went back to my GP who wanted clarification so organised an Ultra Sound.  I kept getting the pains randomly and without any kind of trigger.  One Monday or Tuesday morning in work I felt absolutely wretched, so I went to the walk-in centre who identified that I also had a UTI, and I had an ultra sound which confirmed them. However,  at this point someone messed up and a referral was never done to the consultant.  The pains kept coming I tried cutting things out to no avail.

In December I saw a private consultant who offered to take it out of me for 6 grand, but I couldn't justify this being paid and also I had in consideration that I desperately wanted to make my friend's wedding as well.  Things seemed to settle down, and I started to seriously consider a liver flush which my girlfriend had herself done, I had never been dubious but wanted to see how it affected her.  I had also been without a laptop myself to do any serious reading up on this.  However, after seeing Occupational Health they helped me and we found out that it was seriously recommended that doing a liver flush whilst having stones was very unwise so this ruled this out.  This was only a week last Wednesday, the 5th January.  I went back to my GP who said I could ask to be put on the waiting list for NHS Surgery so I did this on the Friday afternoon.  The Friday evening I had a lovely evening with my girlfriend, Saturday I felt great and then Sunday struck. 

Sunday, ah Sunday, I woke up in agony and it was such a horrible fucking day, so fast forward to ending up in Hospital.  They said they would look to get rid of the infection and I would be on my way, Monday evening I was very poorly, and then again Tuesday, they came to see me on Tuesday evening and said they would put me on the emergency list for surgery. This happened on Wednesday morning and I have been recovering since, and doing well.

All I know is something feels different, something which I cannot put my finger on but it is not a negative feeling in the slightest.  Things which were in me have left, that is both literal and metaphorical.

I would also like to say thank you to everyone who has supported me.

(Sidenote :- I am sorry for anyone I may have acted a dick to or been harsh with after receiving 2 get well soon cards but I was frustrated and don't hold grudges) 

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Fun with words and letters

eeeee.........the sound of an E being pushed over, much to the annoyance of Time who had become Tim and poor old Rune was now the verb Run. 

Please feel free to add your own fun inventions :-D 

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Grammar, punctuation and the general misuse of language

As stated in a previous writing this is a place for me to get stuff out of my head, and that is coming but it will come with a massive warning before you get into the main text about what you’re going to be reading; so for now rest easy and get yourself a drink, actually first get yourself a drink and then rest easy also maybe treat yourself to a nice tasty biscuit, and I will sit here with my glass of water unable to have anything tasty because of my knackered gall bladder.

So previously (in vain hope I claim that) stated I am going to attempt to have a theme within each entry, the last one being sponges/greed and the first I guess was talent/success (well actually it was a diatribe against X Factor and other shows regarding talent).  This first bit is getting all the rubbish out of my head first (and in all honesty is not a necessary read unless of course you are already hanging on what I come out with my words. 

This writing is about words, see what I did there (I’m a funking genius!) and the misuse of words, sayings and other various things which I have noticed by people either on Facebook, famous people or other things which my radar has indicated is wrong.  I will be the first to admit that I do misuse words, and , ay it wrong.  Those of you reading this should know I have issues with language and grammar and it’s misuse, first example of this; the misuse of “their”, “there” and “they’re” along with “you’re” and “your”.  Seriously how difficult is this to get wrong, and don’t cheat by using “UR” or “u r”, this is lazy and as far as I’m concerned not particularly acceptable in a text message, and it’s really fucking lazy when it is on MSN Messenger or in an email/message. You change the context of what’s being said, and as we all know  (all smart people anyway, if this offends and you are an misusing offender of words, well I’m impressed that you have read this far!) context is one of the hardest things to establish on the internet or via a text message.  I realise that some of this is an age thing, but when some of the people who consistently do this are older or a similar age to me, it makes me think this is not an age thing, but either a laze thing or just that you’re a bit thick and you wonder what the bright yellow thing in the sky is. 

Phew, wow that just flowed out of my fingers; I really must have needed to get that out there.  Anyway, there is more to come so do you need another biscuit for dunking?  What’s your choice of dunkable biscuit?  I used to like dunk custard creams, tasty.  I was watching The Idiot Box a while ago and there was a sportsperson on tv who said that when their likeness was revealed to them that it “literally blew them away” so here comes my next gripe, the abandon which people use  “literally” with.  If you look up the synonyms of this you get; factually, exactly, accurately and plainly.  So unless this person was actually blown away by a big gust of wind that come through, and I am hazarding  a guess that this was not the case and she simply meant she was “blow away”, and why she felt the need to add “literally” in there is anyone’s guess, answers on a double sided postcard.  I never really understood double sided postcards when I was younger, how did the postman know which side to send as you had to put your name and address on it as well.  Anyone else have this trouble? I went to university with someone who believed that Double Sided Sticky Tape, the most famous of accessories that Blue Peter used to create things, was purely made for Blue Peter and did not exist outside of Blue Peter.  This now sounds like a good lie to spread if you wish to make people seem foolish in front of others.

Finally, (the crowd screams noooo, we want more shite to push out the shite in our head already there) the people who I have noticed who offend the most when speaking are football players, commentators  and managers, everything seems to happen at the end of the day, and come out with dazzling statements such as “goals win matches” and live in the glorious place of “if” where everything hinges on “if” occurring. 

 (Disclaimer) I take no responsibility for any glaring grammatical issues which appear throughout, or for the overuse of "misuse" in paragraph 3. 

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

A Blog Spread Across 2 Months (Ish)

5th December 2012  blog # 2

Excuse the rather weak current title, it is simple a Work-In-Progress (WIP).

Today’s musings will cover a great amount of topics but not the chocolate bars, so all you chocoholics may wish to stop reading and get yourself a bar of chocolate before continuing on reading words which will open your eyes and mind to a whole other way of thinking, or not, and I will have merely wasted some of your precious time away from looking at videos of cats on Youtube. 

Damn, I really should take notes about what is in my head before sitting here with a keyboard because it flies all over the place, not literally though mind you.  Be a bit weird that a head floating around, unless of course it was dispensing wisdom. “Eat less red meat” “smile more” “don’t use facebook to whine about your unfair life”

On my toddle home last night, (this is a continuation of yesterdays writing so we are now on the 6th.  It came into my head about sponges/leeches, and the various forms these people take, and how greed seems one of the main tenets of the human condition.   We probably all know someone who is a sponge personally and we know how people “sponge” off the Welfare State.  I am of the firm opinion of the necessity of the Welfare State, and the massive help it can give, but like most things it is open to abuse or people feel they are entitled to it like the MPs and their expenses, and executives and their massive unwarranted pay rises whilst the workers receive paltry increases. And when they talk about pay capping executive pay in the UK for executives we receive the same excuses, we will not get the best talent in the world to run businesses, but from the outside looking in, some are not doing a very good job at “running” the business.  Most of the time it is about trying to squeeze more work from a smaller workforce and placing unrealistic demands on sales so that people get a bonus so that they can get a decent wage, much I guess like the model of waiting staff and taxi drivers are expected to have their income boosted significantly by tips. (something I know of by speaking with a taxi driver who told me there is an expectation of the powers that be that they will make an extra 10% on their daily earnings through tips)

This writing was pre-Christmas as you can tell by the date, (please do not take that as an insult to your intelligence) I just wanted you to know that this part is post-Christmas writing with all the optimism that a New Year brings which can be quickly deflated by opening the newspapers.  This writing initially was about sponges that we all meet in our life, and maybe you are one of the sponges of life and you have no shame.  Maybe you leech off your friends, your loved one or family/parents.  One of those who takes without ever giving back. And you’re not a fun sponge like spongebob squarepants, you’re an unfun sponge!

I seem to have deviated about sponges/leeches so I am guessing that I what was narking me off has subsided into the background.  This is not a call to communism, but how that sponges take many forms from those who directly impact on our own lives to those who possibly seem like they don't but in all likelihood do,

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

A harmless rant

So here is my first blog, well more accurately rubbish in my head which I feel the need to not share because maybe will read this, but commit to something so when my faculties are failing me I can look back and go “god how conceited I was” or maybe hopefully I will be thinking “wow look how insightful I was, go me!

Anyway, the first topic I would like to discuss is “X-Factor”, personally I have no interest in this glorified karaoke machine with the seemingly only goal to generate more money for Mr. Cowell who is a prick of the highest order.  I don’t know if anyone has ever done a chart for “Prickishness” but in my opinion he would be right near the top along with Jeremy Kyle, and various others whose names escape me (not the most thought out piece admittedly but when I started writing I did not think I was going to be needing examples of Pricks). Anyway sorry about that brief diversion back to the topic at hand. X-Factor, well more the reaction people have to the judgements of people being “kicked off”, now again this is not particularly well researched, it’s more based on what I have seen on Facebook on (Sunday’s I think) when one of these people is voted off, again I do not know the process of how people are “voted” off this show, whether the judges choose people and then the people who watch it get rid of their least favourite, who knows, who should actually care.  
What I have noticed is that people describe the decisions when they don’t agree with them as “disgusting”  which the dictionary describes as “Arousing Disgust; repugnant” which seems a little strong to me, just because the flavour of your viewing pleasure has been kicked off the show.  In reality the winner has probably been chosen from a long time ago, and the whole show just seems geared to people spending money on phonecalls/texts and marketing for the Christmas single.  How many of the X-factor singers have gone on into any kind of fame after their first two singles, and how many from the “finalists” have gone on to anything.  Seriously? People describe these decisions as “disgusting” please do yourselves a favour and get the FUCK over it.  It is a tv show with one aim, making money.  And all you people who enjoy watching others get ridiculed on tv because they believe they can sing, that is all horseshit.  Set up to fail, and you think it’s funny.  Admittedly when I was younger I used to find this humiliation funny but then I saw it for what it was “humiliation” and then they bring back the “worst” on to live tv for the finale.  Now that is nearer disgusting then any singer ever being voted off a Karaoke show.
On a lighter note on certain days short extracts are going to appear focusing on letters/words, some of you may have seen this appear on Facebook (in my ongoing quest for admiration and attention, it’s going well)