Tuesday, 3 January 2012

A harmless rant

So here is my first blog, well more accurately rubbish in my head which I feel the need to not share because maybe will read this, but commit to something so when my faculties are failing me I can look back and go “god how conceited I was” or maybe hopefully I will be thinking “wow look how insightful I was, go me!

Anyway, the first topic I would like to discuss is “X-Factor”, personally I have no interest in this glorified karaoke machine with the seemingly only goal to generate more money for Mr. Cowell who is a prick of the highest order.  I don’t know if anyone has ever done a chart for “Prickishness” but in my opinion he would be right near the top along with Jeremy Kyle, and various others whose names escape me (not the most thought out piece admittedly but when I started writing I did not think I was going to be needing examples of Pricks). Anyway sorry about that brief diversion back to the topic at hand. X-Factor, well more the reaction people have to the judgements of people being “kicked off”, now again this is not particularly well researched, it’s more based on what I have seen on Facebook on (Sunday’s I think) when one of these people is voted off, again I do not know the process of how people are “voted” off this show, whether the judges choose people and then the people who watch it get rid of their least favourite, who knows, who should actually care.  
What I have noticed is that people describe the decisions when they don’t agree with them as “disgusting”  which the dictionary describes as “Arousing Disgust; repugnant” which seems a little strong to me, just because the flavour of your viewing pleasure has been kicked off the show.  In reality the winner has probably been chosen from a long time ago, and the whole show just seems geared to people spending money on phonecalls/texts and marketing for the Christmas single.  How many of the X-factor singers have gone on into any kind of fame after their first two singles, and how many from the “finalists” have gone on to anything.  Seriously? People describe these decisions as “disgusting” please do yourselves a favour and get the FUCK over it.  It is a tv show with one aim, making money.  And all you people who enjoy watching others get ridiculed on tv because they believe they can sing, that is all horseshit.  Set up to fail, and you think it’s funny.  Admittedly when I was younger I used to find this humiliation funny but then I saw it for what it was “humiliation” and then they bring back the “worst” on to live tv for the finale.  Now that is nearer disgusting then any singer ever being voted off a Karaoke show.
On a lighter note on certain days short extracts are going to appear focusing on letters/words, some of you may have seen this appear on Facebook (in my ongoing quest for admiration and attention, it’s going well)

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