Friday, 3 May 2013

Friday 3rd May - Good versus evil.

Goodness, morality, badness and immoral are all social constructs. What I see as immoral you may see as moral, values held in the 19th century some of us still laud, some of us find reprehensible. How do we arrive at such places in life? Why should I be made to feel bad because I live my life by a different moral code? We get disappointed in friends when they don't meet our standards, and I know I have high, almost impossible standards which no-one could be realistically expected to keep but knowing that does not make it any easier. I expect to be treated the way I treat people but I conveniently ignore the times I have been selfish or not there for someone when they have needed me. I know that makes me a hypocrite.  However, over recent months I have learnt a lot about myself. I finally feel like I have an understanding of my head, it doesn't make it any easier because it's almost out of my control.  However, now I know do I share with all? or do I just let those I trust know? I also realized why some people have never seen certain sides of me, and the only way I can explain it is because they act like a light.  I seem to have veered off course from what I was going to initially write about which was good versus evil.  Do we all have good and all have evil in us? Or may be what I wanted to write about was me and how my heads work and how I see life.  I used to think I was "good" but I have found recently that I veer more towards what may be considered bad. Or maybe I just enjoy life and roll with it and don't over think things.  

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